Workshop Details

Workshop Details

Workshop: The art and science of Storytelling and Delivering persuasive presentations
Time: 08:00:00 - 16:00:00
Venue: Ganga Hospital Coimbatore

Course Directors

Workshop 9

Course Director:
Mr Pradeep Yuvaraj, Coimbatore

Learning Objectives

1. Learn how the world's greatest speakers/leaders use the power of story to create impact..
2. Become an expert in delivering presentations that make your audiences go wow.
3. Transform yourself into a master presenter - rule any stage.
4.Master the skills needed to design world-class slides

The foundation

The ideal right-brained skills for the conceptual age. As the AI ara begins and human-kind is moving towards left-brain dominance, leaders have to leverage their soft power to stay ahead.

Presentation Strategies of great leaders

Leveraging the power of storytelling and design principles to create exceptional narratives supplemented by impactful slides.

Mastering Powerpoint

Become a specialist in the tools of PowerPoint, learning to harness its diverse elements and techniques to create impactful presentations that leave a lasting impression.

Make it Human - The Art & Science of storytelling

Storytelling is the most effective form of communication. This session will help the participants understand how to make storytelling a part of their communication armour.

Science of sticky messages

A solid framework based on Chip and Dan Heath’s work to help the participants understand how they can ensure that their messages are always impactful and sticky.

Presentation Delivery and pitching anything

The art and science of pitching, deck design and wowing audiences with stage presence. The lesson will include techniques for virtual sessions as well.

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