Workshop Details

Workshop Details

Workshop: Peri-operative Physician Series
Time: 08:00:00 - 16:00:00
Venue: Ganga Hospital Coimbatore

Course Directors

Workshop 7

Course Director:
Dr Senthilkumaran, UK


Dr Gayatri, Bangalore

Dr Vibhavari Naik, Hyderabad

Dr Ekta Rai, Vellore

Dr Manjari Madnoorkar, Nashik

Dr Aashinee Mehta, UK

Dr Sri Priya, Magalagiri

Dr Swagata Tripathy, Bhuvaneshwar

Expert Observer

Dr Suvarna, Calicut

Dr Aastha Srivatsava, Dehradun

Dr Bande BD, Pune

Dr Nandita Mehta, Jammu

Dr Bishwas Pradhan, Nepal

Dr Shobana Rajan, USA

Dr Shanmugam, Chennai

Dr Netra, Bangalore

Dr Shri Krishna Joshi, Mumbai

Dr Lalita Gowri Mitra, Chandigarh

Dr Leena Patil, Jalgaon

Dr Jyoti Nara

Dr Nabil A Shallik, Doha

About Workshop

The amalgamation of good evidence-based practices along with a well-motivated multidisciplinary team serves as the basis for patient centered perioperative care.

The Peri-operative Physician series is a combination of hands-on workshops, mini-master classes, and case-based discussions, which will equip its participants to develop the analytical skills and attitude required to take a lead role in providing the best patient experience and quality of care throughout their surgical journey.

The series will culminate in crowning the “POP” star of the day, to the group who displays the best knowledge, teamwork, analytical and communication skills.

Why should you attend:

The last decade has seen an exponential growth in the profile of anaesthesiology. With our focus shifting to areas such as USRA, POCUS, pain management and intensive care, the specialty is slowly breaking out of the confines of the operating room. The role of the anaesthesiologist as a peri-operative physician is pivotal in improving both patient survival and quality of life.


This hybrid workshop will equip participants with knowledge, skills, and attitude to take a lead role in implementing best practices for providing the finest patient experience and superlative outcomes perioperatively.

Programme for the day:
Practical skills: Workshop & Hands-on sessions
  1. Assessing functional fitness
    • 6-minute walk test and interpretation

  2. Assessing intra & post-operative vascular volume
    • Evaluating and managing haemodynamic instability
    • POCUS session

  3. Parenteral nutrition:
    • Establishing and managing PICC lines

  4. Pre and post operative cognitive dysfunction:
    • Assessment, preventative strategies, and management
Mini Masterclass:
  • Anaesthesiologist as peri-operative physicians, privileges, responsibilities, and medico-legal challenges.
  • Peri-operative optimisation of cardiovascular and respiratory co-morbidities.
  • Risk prediction models for high-risk surgery and informed consent.
Case-based discussion & “POP” star prize
  • Delegates will be organised into two teams and mentored by the faculty.
  • Team-based discussion on a patient with complex co-morbidities undergoing major surgery.
  • Each team will present their patient followed by a Q & A session involving the opposing team & faculty.
  • Prize will be awarded for the team showing best knowledge, teamwork, analytical and communication skills.

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